Rich in Nutrients. Tiger nuts contain a variety of nutrients and beneficial plant compounds.
May Improve Digestion

May Reduce Blood Sugar Levels

May Improve Heart Health

May Boost Your Immune System and Help Fight Infections

May Act as an Aphrodisiac.

Tigernut milk (called Kunnu Aya in Nigeria and Horchata de Chufa in Spain) is naturally sweet, creamy, and offers a luxurious, rich and nutty flavor.
Unlike milks made from almonds or other nuts which are typically very high in inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids, tigernut milk is, instead, rich in monounsaturated fat, as well as minerals and vitamins C and E.

☑️ Organic
☑️ Gluten Free
☑️ Without Thickners
☑️ Dairy Free
☑️ No Added Sugar

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